7 signs you may have experienced narcissistic abuse.

7 signs you may have experienced narcissistic abuse

By Bridgette Morris

If you're reading this blog, let me be the first to say, I've been where you are. Unsure if you have been a target of someone suffering from NPD - maybe it’s a family member, a co-worker, a partner, or a friend - I can help.

Start by taking the time needed to get clear if you have experienced narcissistic abuse. This is critical to your well-being.

Below you will find 7 signs you may have experienced narcissistic abuse.

Victims of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) often experience a range of negative emotions and feelings. Some common experiences include:

  1. Emotional abuse: Narcissists can be emotionally manipulative and may use tactics such as gaslighting, blame-shifting, and verbal abuse to control and manipulate their victims.

  2. Low self-esteem: Victims of NPD may begin to doubt their own worth and abilities as a result of the constant criticism and belittling from the narcissist.

  3. Anxiety and depression: Living with a narcissist can be a constant rollercoaster of emotions and can take a toll on a person's mental health. Some victims may experience anxiety and depression as a result of the abuse.

  4. Isolation: Narcissists may try to isolate their victims from friends and family, making them feel alone and unsupported.

  5. Confusion and manipulation: Narcissists often use manipulation tactics to control their victims, leaving them feeling confused and unsure of what to believe.

  6. Trauma: Prolonged exposure to narcissistic abuse can lead to symptoms of trauma such as flashbacks, nightmares, and triggers

  7. Difficulty trusting others: Victims of NPD may have a hard time trusting others in the future, due to the betrayal and manipulation they experienced in their past relationships.

If you believe you or someone you know has experienced narcissistic abuse you can heal from it.

In fact, with my help and Healing Life Institute’s therapist’s help, you can not only heal from it you can find meaning, purpose, and personal strength from it. Reach out to us today. We are here for you. You are not alone. Click here to book a session.


Proven method to heal and empower those impacted by narcissistic people.


7 challenges to overcoming narcissistic abuse