A note from Brit about C-PTSD

A Note from Brit


It may be dawning on you that your experiences with a narcissist—or the discovery of a parent's struggle with this condition—have left you feeling isolated and misunderstood. Narcissism is a real and damaging force, much like alcoholism, and it can deeply affect not just the individuals suffering from it but also those around them who care.

I'm Bridgette from the Healing Life Institute. I’m reaching out because I know the pain of feeling alone in this struggle. Narcissistic relationships can inflict invisible wounds that are often overlooked or misunderstood by others. If you’ve been involved with a narcissist, be it a family member or partner, you’ve likely felt the sting of their actions in a way that's hard to articulate and even harder for others to comprehend.

The sense of isolation that comes from being in such a relationship is profound. You might have grown up feeling like you had to read between the lines of every interaction, where trust was a foreign concept, and love was anything but straightforward. Perhaps you've developed ways to cope that now seem to hinder more than help.

I want to tell you clearly: This is not a reflection on you. It's what you’ve survived. Moving forward means recognizing that these experiences have shaped you, but they don't define you. Overcoming Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), a common aftermath of prolonged narcissistic abuse, requires an environment that understands the depth of your experiences.

At the Healing Life Institute, we understand. We don't just offer support; we offer understanding and a community that gets it. We're here to share the burden, to validate your experiences, and to offer the compassion that has been missing. Here, your story is met with nods of recognition, not disbelief. Your feelings are seen as valid, and your perspective is honored.

Know that you are not navigating this path by yourself. With each day, there is renewed possibility for hope and connection. I'm here to walk with you towards a future where you are not just heard, but truly understood.

With heartfelt understanding,

Bridgette Morris Healing Life Institute Click here to book a session.


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