Mindset Matters 101 Program


We are so glad you are here and can’t wait to be on this life-transforming journey together.

Next Steps:

  1. Familiarize yourself with your course materials, Grab a rubber band and use the S.N.A.P. daily & mark your calendar for Sunday night at 6 pm EST for a live group coaching with Brit.

2. Click Below to Join Our Facebook Community and Be Sure to Post and Say Hi!

3. Submit any questions using the form below to be answered during our weekly Q&A sessions within the Facebook community. All questions will remain anonymous.

Access the Program!

Click Here to Access the Program and Begin Your Journey!

 Click The Button Below To Join Our Weekly Calls Led by Brit Morris

Upcoming Call: Sunday 6 p.m. EST

Meeting ID: 850 3521 6831

Passcode: 101