What is narcissism?
What is narcissism?
By Bridgette Morris
Here is a simple answer to a very complex subject.
Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an excessive sense of self-importance and an inflated sense of self-worth. People with this disorder often have a strong need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. They may also be preoccupied with fantasies of power, success, and attractiveness. Narcissism is a spectrum disorder, with some people having milder forms and others having more severe forms. It is typically diagnosed by a mental health professional.
A person who is a narcissist is someone whose entire focus is on themselves. They may appear to be caring however they lack the ability to see the needs of others and are unable to offer consistent, reliable, genuine concern. They see the world from a competitive stance. It’s me against you. That is why they often focus on who is right or wrong. They have an innate ability to create conflict, make false promises and cause tremendous harm to people.
Take a moment and ask yourself are you involved with a narcissist?
The family member that is a martyr and uses guilt to fulfill their needs.
The co-worker that causes problems- spreading lies.
The friend that always needs your help and never is available to help you.
The business partner that promises things, even in a contract, and then makes excuses as to why things are not being executed.
The partner who promises monogamy and has affairs.
The parent who refuses to take accountability for their unhealthy parenting style.
These are just a few examples of behaviors a narcissist engages in.
Maybe you are lucky enough to not have been involved with a narcissist but let’s face it the likely-hood you will is strong.
Narcissism is growing at an astounding rate and some say becoming an epidemic!
What can we do to stop the vicious cycle of abuse and defeat narcissism?
Start to accept narcissism is a real illness. Just like alcoholism is a real illness so is narcissism. We must stop it.
What can we do as a society to impact change and defeat narcissism?
Realize a narcissist's brain is not wired the same as reasonable people and therefore they do not think in the same way.
This is why a conventional approach to therapy always fails.
Narcissist do not work like reasonable people.
We must stop enabling narcissist and start to hold them accountable.
You must educate, equip and empower yourself to know the exact steps to take when dealing with a narcissist.
Learn the tools we at Healing Life Institute offer.
We are on a mission to defeat narcissism so we as a society come together and end this vicious cycle of abuse.
If you’d like to learn more please reach out to us today. We are here for you. We can help. Click here to book a session.