10 practical ways to end narcissism

10 practical ways to end narcissism

By Bridgette Morris

Narcissism can be difficult to end, as it is a personality trait that is deeply ingrained in an individual's way of thinking and behaving. However, with appropriate therapy and self-reflection, individuals with narcissistic traits can learn to recognize and challenge their negative thought patterns and behaviors and work towards making positive changes in their lives.

It's important to note that change is a difficult and slow process, and not everyone with narcissistic traits is willing or able to make the necessary changes. In some cases, individuals with a narcissistic personality disorder may resist therapy or self-reflection, and continue to engage in harmful behaviors.

It's also important to remember that recovery and change are possible, but not guaranteed. With hard work, dedication, and a supportive network, individuals with narcissistic traits can make meaningful changes and live happier healthier lives.

Narcissism is growing at an astounding rate and some say becoming an epidemic!

What can we do as a society to stop the vicious cycle of abuse, impact change and defeat narcissism?

Start with these 10 practical facts!

  1. Start to accept narcissism is a real illness. Just like alcoholism is a real illness so is narcissism.

  2. Realize a narcissist's brain is not wired the same as reasonable people and therefore they do not think in the same way.

  3. A narcissist craves conflict even though they say they do not.

  4. A narcissist does not approach life issues like a reasonable person.

  5. A narcissist is unable to work together as a reliable, caring, dependable person.

  6. The traditional approach to therapy always fails.

  7. Healing Life Institute’s approach works!

  8. We must stop enabling a narcissist and start to hold them accountable.

  9. You must educate, equip and empower yourself to know the exact steps to take when dealing with a narcissist.

  10. Learn the proven methods and tools we at Healing Life Institute offer.

We are on a mission to defeat narcissism so we as a society come together and end this vicious cycle of abuse.

If you’d like to learn more please reach out to us today. We are here for you. We can help. Click here to book a session.


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