Children’s Series: Talking to kids about divorce and narcissism
Talking with kids, teens and young adults about divorce & narcissism is a challenging conversation. However if handled correctly can be a game changing conversation.
Trust I understand how difficult it can be.
Getting a clear game plan as to how to communicate to your children about the divorce is critical. By choosing to inform the children from the time of a decision you are getting divorced demonstrates that honesty is a core family value. And if adults don’t talk with children, please believe me when I tell you that they always know.
So what do you do if your spouse that you are divorcing refuses to speak with you and the children about the divorce and what is occurring in your family? What do you do if the other parent thrives on conflict and works against you? What do you do if you are already divorced and realizing the other parent is addicted to conflict?
The game changer is that there are people who can help you talk with your children about divorce.
That’s where Brit Morris & Healing Life Institute can step in. You are not alone. We can help!
With the right tools you can help you children learn how to handle change in intentional ways. Allow them to process their feelings in healthy ways and find comfort during a difficult time.
Below is the description of who Brit is and how she can help.
Who is Brit Morris
Brit is a board certified therapist and founder of Healing Life Institute. Brit was just like you, worried about her family, and what to do when entangled with someone who uses conflict to control life. Trapped in the family court system for over 11 years while her son was journeying through his tweens and teen years she realized going no contact was not a reality and also that some people are addicted to conflict and will take whatever means necessary, including the family court system, to control you. She also realized there was no secret pill or formula to stop someone who is addicted to control and manipulation to stop. You can help matters by changing some of your behaviors and learn healthy ways to handle conflict and emotional manipulators.
That’s why she’s created several resources to help you. While some simple problems may have simple solutions – NPD is complex and more difficult to understand. Having the right tools , a game plan and support system you can take a difficult situation and use it as a growth opportunity.
The ecourse Heal from Narcissism is a great place to start to help simplify a complex problem. Brit will help you learn to recognize what the heck is going on your your life and how build strong mental and emotional boundaries in your life. This is key to helping you and your children. She’ll help you learn to live each day “moment to moment.” Embracing life will have ups and downs (especially if you are emotionally invested with an emotional manipulator.). Understanding you cannot control what others do however you can choose how you respond and show up in life. You will learn how to respond to emotional abuse with strength, compassion and courage.
Other ways Brit can help you!
Schedule a 1-1 counseling session with Brit. She will help you create a game plan on how you can take control of your thoughts and choices regardless of what others do.
Telling your children and teens about divorce can be challenging especially if you are involved with an emotionally toxic parent. Please never tell the child the other person is “narcissistic". It is critical you start to model healthy behaviors. Get your own game plan!
Children of different ages will react to the news in their own unique way, and they may ask you questions that require confusing or difficult answers. Still, being open with your children may be the best way to help them understand and process what you are going through and how their lives may change during your separation, divorce and afterwards. Brit can help you get clear what is best for you and your family!
Take the heal your family ecourse.
Taught by Brit and her 22 year old son Davis. They share life changing ways to deal with a difficult situation and find purpose. A wonderful course to help you understand how to talk to your kids, teens and young adults about emotionally unhealthy relationships and make the changes needed in your life.
Brit understands if you are invested with an emotional manipulator it isn’t an easy journey however she is grateful for the life lessons she has learned over the past 2 decades and grateful to share many resources to help you during a very difficult time.
Remember: this information is not a we diagnoses.This service is designed for educational and informational purposes only. The information is general in nature. For specific healthcare questions or concerns, consult your healthcare provider. The content is not intended in any way to substitute for professional counseling or medical advice.