The Self-Love Secret
The Self-Love Secret
By Brit Morris
Here’s the truth…. knowing and loving yourself heals your relationships and your world.
Living authentically means knowing yourself, all bumps, bruises, scars, and beauty marks. Once you really know (and accept) yourself, real healing occurs.
The self-love secret is this…. to know yourself ( and accept yourself) is how you love yourself. Loving yourself is how you heal your relationships and your world.
Yes, it's that simple. When you accept yourself, care for yourself, love yourself, you're caring for those you love and the world around you. Self-love enables you to be the best you. The kindest you. To see other’s POV with compassion and understanding. This is what our world needs— you, at your most loving.
The better you love yourself, the better you can love others. Self-love is service to yourself and others. Often we try to fix ourselves instead of really getting to know ourselves. This does not serve us or our relationships. Learning to know and accept ourselves enables us to accept and meet others where they are. To live authentically. This is a wonderful way to live life. It starts with you!
Decide today to take care of you by knowing you, loving you, and taking care of your soul. To know yourself better, check out our free quizzes here. This is a wonderful activity you can do alone or with those you love. Start today. You are ready. ❤️
Please reach out if we can be of any help, and have a wonderful day!
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Positive thought for you today….
From the moment I wake up, I will make decisions that best serve me. It’s important I do what’s best for me, whether people approve of it or not. This is my life. I am learning what is best for me and remind myself it takes strength and intention to love myself well.