What is Emotional Wellness?
By Brit Morris
In the midst of the pandemic making your emotional wellness a top priority is critical to your overall well-being and life. Just like prioritizing your dental hygiene and brushing your teeth each day, scheduling time to care for your emotional health will serve you well.
Mental health is one of today’s major health challenges, as approximately one in five individuals suffers from anxiety, depression and this number is growing.
So what is emotional wellness?
Emotional wellness is defined as coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships. According to the National Center for Emotional Wellness, the term refers to an awareness, understanding, and acceptance of your emotions and your ability to manage effectively through challenges and change. When you're tuned into your feelings and thoughts, then you can more easily become aware of your choices and intentionally make choices that best serve you and those you care about.
Goals for your Emotional Wellness
Become more aware of your feelings and accept them as valid indicators of what you are experiencing
Develop the ability to experience and appropriately express a wide range of emotions such as humor, joy, fear, anger, frustration, appreciation, sadness, etc.
Develop assertiveness and confrontation skills
Develop positive feelings about yourself by instituting a healthy self-esteem and self-concept
Develop the skills to handle stress, irritations, crises, etc.
Explore and clarify your own sexual identity
Develop, establish, and maintain intimate and loving relationships
What does it really mean to be emotionally well?
Being emotionally well encourages you to intentionally slow down and be mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and choices. Being emotionally well doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re happy all the time, but rather that you’re self-aware and able to shift as a way to feel better. To not personalize what others are doing and make decisions and life choices reflective of who you are. Being emotionally well leads to a happier and more joyful life and allows you to attain your full potential.
We all have challenges and problems. How you deal or cope with those issues will determine your emotional wellness. It’s also about managing your thoughts, knowing what you value, and making decisions that align with those values.
Take a moment to ask yourself a few questions to understand if you are emotionally well:
Are you happy with the person you are and the choices you make? Those who are emotionally healthy are usually content with themselves. They might feel as if they’re living the lives they’ve always wanted to live. They also take care of themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally by doing what is beneficial. They are aware of their core values and live a life reflective of those values.
Are you open-minded and flexible? This means that you’re self-aware and listen to yourself and others' thoughts and perspectives without judgment.
Do you handle conflict in positive ways? Seeing conflict as a growth opportunity is key important to your well-being. Issues arise every day. Being able to navigate your issues and relationships with confidence and logic is an indicator of being emotionally well.
Do you have a life purpose? Those generally have a well-developed sense of well-being because they have a reason to wake up in the morning. They also tend to see life’s bigger picture. They tend to know their core values, what’s most important to them, and how to focus on those values. Their purpose gives life meaning, whether it’s professional, family-oriented, or community-oriented.
Do you have healthy ways to manage your stress? Those who are emotionally stable have their own ways of navigating the stressors in their lives, whether it’s meditation, exercise, talk therapy, or creative pursuits such as art, music, or writing. They’re able to maintain a balance between work and play.
Do you have strong personal boundaries? Knowing when to say no is critical to your emotional well-being. Allowing others to cross boundaries and manipulate you can lead to negative well-being.
Reach out to us today so one of our therapists can help you prioritize your emotional health and well-being and enjoy your life.
Healing thought for you today….
Positive well-being leads to happiness and joy-filled life, whereas negative well-being tends to lead to anxiety, depression, and unhealthy relationships. Take control of your life today by being emotional well. There’s no time like the present to begin!