Don’t stay stuck…..

Living and functioning with unresolved trauma can be difficult.

At the Healing Life Institute, we have a team of therapists that specialize in helping those dealing with trauma in their life and are excited to be able to offer EMDR therapy for healing from trauma. EMDR therapy is designed to help you move out of the overwhelm by empowering you with the tools and resources needed to resolve the trauma and thrive in your life!

Does any of this sound familiar?


    You try to get clarity and find a resolution but are left with more questions and further confusion. You feel STUCK.


    You try to move forward but seem to stay stuck. This then leads to anxiety, sadness, and/or frustration.


    Even though you are confused and frustrated, you are still hopeful that things can change. You’ve wanted to try EMDR therapy and are ready to begin!

If you are ready to move out of the confusion and frustration and move forward to a place of hope, we can help you!

Meet Our Team of Experts

  • Ashley Gottschalk

    Therapist, Clinical Director at Healing Life Institute, EMDR specialist

    Reclaim your life and break free from narcissistic abuse. Ashley’s helped many of our clients successfully deal with difficult situations confidently. Whether you’re struggling with childhood trauma or a difficult adult relationship and need help getting clarity and how to move forward, Ashley will show you how to feel better and take control of your life…. she’s waiting for you on the other side!

  • Bridgette Morris

    Therapist, Founder of Healing Life Institute

    Bridgette currently is not taking new clients for EMDR and highly recommends working with Ashley Gottschalk.

Take Control

Feel Better

Start Today

Take Control • Feel Better • Start Today •

Focus on your own healing

Eye movement desensitization was developed by American psychologist, Doctor Francine Shapiro. EMDR appears to have a positive effect on furthering the natural healing process of overcoming negative beliefs and negative emotions. It is now the first recommended treatment for PTSD according to the American Psychiatric Association.

“Seeking help and guidance is the ultimate sign of strength. A superpower if you will.” Bridgette Morris

— Bridgette Morris